How Ya Doing Bay County?
How Ya Doing Bay County?
Mobile Response Team at the Life Management Center of NWFL
Tina Ray and Allison Hausner with the Mobile Response Team (MRT) from the Life Management Center of NWFL join us to share how MRT responds to individuals in crisis and how intervention saves lives. Serving six counties locally, including Bay, Holmes, Washington, Jackson, Calhoun and Gulf counties, the MRT is available 24/7/365 for free to help those in crisis. Listen to learn more about the warnings signs exhibited when someone is having suicidal ideations and where you can go to find help in a crisis.
Mobile Response Team
Crisis Line at Life Management Center of NWFL
EPIC (Early Psychosis Intervention & Care)
how ya doing? | Alignment Bay County
To contact MRT or speak with a counselor, please call (850) 522-4485, ext 1833 or toll free at (888) 785-8750.
If you live outside of our service area, and you or someone you know is struggling with thoughts of suicide or self-harm, please reach out to the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline at 1-800-273-8255 (1-800-273-TALK).